Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spring up oh Well

So it's official, Pam and I are heading to Wellspring. This is a little weird for me, heading off to an unknown situation. But I and trying it out, stepping out there. Camping in May is like, well, camping in September. I.e. Risky and cold, but uncrowded.

We are likely bringing Erin along from the grove. Should be, might be, could be fun.

On another note, I came across someone on LiveJournal that has a pdf of Kerenyi's Apollo. Unfortunately the posts stating this are from 2007, so I am hoping that he/she is still checking the account and still has the pdf kicking around and is willing to share it. A lot of hope but other than spending 150ish, that is the only way I will be getting this 74 page booklet that originally sold for 8.50.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Days of Wind and Dandelions

Cold, rainy, windy. May? I can't get out to mow the lawn because whenever I am home, it is raining, has just rained, or is threatening to rain (electric mower, so taking no chances). My yards are starting to look like scenes out of Deathworld. Had a wonderful time at Pagan Breakfast last week. Even found the name of a short story I was looking for "Waiting for the Olympians" by Fred Pohl. (Thanks Duncan!)

We are still toying with the idea of going to Wellspring this weekend. Great fun, but expensive. Got to see if we can pull it off. In talking to the folks on the ADF lists, Michael Dangler suggest I present at Summerlands. Took me by surprise, but being the teacher that I am I rose to the occasion and suggested Stoic ethics in an ADF framework. Waiting to see if he thinks it is a good idea.

Met a wonderful couple @ the breakfast, and had them over for dinner last night. It was great to meet them, and we will certainly be getting together again.

Finally, we were also able to meet up with the Grove (Red Maple) and have a great general discussion. It was even decided to run a Dedicant's session once a month with topics picked at random thereafter. Could mean quite a long stretch for some of it, but I may work ahead a bit as I am keen on getting it done.